1. IAEA Workshop on Design Modification and Implementation to Enhance Safety and Performance at NPPs, Xiamen, China, 10 - 14 July 2017
2. Inter-Regional Training Course On Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) For Decommissioning And Environmental Remediation (D&ER) Projects, Lancaster, 20-24.2.2017
3. Regional Training Course No. 1 On Infrastructure Development And Safety Assessment Of WWER/PWR With Advanced Safety Features, Obninsk, 23.5-3.6.2016
4. IAEA Workshop on methodology for development of safety case and safety assessment for storages and repositories, Krasnoyarsk, 15-19.6.2015
5. IAEA Interregional Workshop on Successful Launching and Mentoring of Nuclear Power Programme, KyoungYu, 2-13.11.2015
6. IAEA Regional Workshop on Advanced Low Power and Shutdown PSA, Vienna, 24-28.3.2014
7. IAEA Technical Meeting on Developing Methodologies for Complementary Assessment of Nuclear Power Plants' Robustness against the Impact of Extreme Events, Vienna, 7-11.7.2014
Jakub Kovár:
1. IAEA regional workshop on PSA methodologies and review practices, 11-15 September, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic
2. IAEA Regional Training Course No. 3 on Infrastructure Development and Safety Assessment of WWER/PWR with Advanced Safety Features, Obninsk, 17. - 28. 7. 2017
3. IAEA Practical Training Course on Planning and Implementation of Nuclear Facility Decommissioning, Argonne, United States of America, 24.4 - 5.5.2017
4. IAEA Regional Workshop on Risk Management in Decommissioning, Slavutich, Ukraine, 27.2.- 3.3. 2017
5. IAEA Regional Workshop on advanced on-line monitoring methodology for improving performance of aging critical structures, systems and components, Rottenacker, Germany, 1 - 4.11.2016
Vladimir Sopira:
1. Strengthening Nuclear Safety Assessment Capabilities through the Use of the Safety Assessment, Education and Training Programme, IAEA Regional Workshop on the Robustness of Probabilistic Safety Analyses, Russian Federation, Moscow, Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (SEC NRS), 2016-02-08 to 2016-02-12
2. Strengthening Nuclear Power Plant Lifetime Management for Long Term Operation, IAEA Regional Workshop on Challenges in the Design and Implementation of Modern Instrumentation and Control (I&C) Systems, Croatia, Dubrovnik, University of Zagreb, 2016-10-18 to 2016-10-21
3. Strengthening Capabilities for Nuclear Power Plant Lifetime Management for Long Term Operation, IAEA Regional Workshop on Defence in Depth and Diversity Aspects in the Modernisation of I&C Systems, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg Joint-stock company,30.6-3.7. 2015
4. Strengthening Capabilities for Nuclear Power Plant Lifetime Management for Long Term Operation, IAEA Regional Workshop on Advanced Digital I&C Modernization and Implementation Strategy, Czech Republic, Trebic OT Energy Services a.s., 12-14.12.2014
Rita Berki-Kovačová:
1. IAEA Regional Training Course on Severe Accident Prevention and Mitigation, Dubrovnik, Croatia, November 7-11, 2016
2. IAEA Technical Meeting To Develop an IAEA Technical Document on Considerations for Complementary Safety Assessment in the Light of the Fukushima Daiichi Accident, IAEA, Vienna, Austria, November 23-27, 2015
Pavol Hlaváč:
1. International Training Course for Newcomer Countries on State Systems of Accounting and Control of Nuclear Material (SSACs), IAEA, Daejeon, Republic of Korea, March 06-17, 2017
2. Workshop on Level 1 Probabilistic Safety Assessment for Nuclear Power Plant, IAEA, Algiers, Algeria, February 05-09, 2017
3. International Traning Course on Control of Nuclear Material in Use, Movement and Storage, IAEA, Islamabad, Pakistan, November 28 - December 02, 2016
4. Interregional Training Course on Integrated Management Systems and Developing of the Safety Culture, IAEA/ANL, Argonne, Lemont, Illinois, USA, November 09-15, 2015
Martin Svitek:
1. Economic Feasibility and Improving Effectiveness of One-Time or Consecutive Long Term Operation for NPP, Zagreb, Croatia, 7.5-9.5.2019
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