Recent news


  • Mr. Štefan Pavčo attended the Regional Training Course on Computer Security Fundamentals for Nuclear Security, 16-20.12.2024, Paris, France.
  • Mr. Robert Spenlinger attended the Interregional Workshop on Key Considerations Regarding Infrastructure Development to Support Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) and Microreactors Deployment, 16-20.12.2024, Haikou, China.
  • Mr. Robert Spenlinger attended the Interregional Training Course on Cost Estimation and Financing for Decommissioning, 25-29 November 2024, Centurion, South Africa.
  • Mr. Zoltan Kovacs attended the 17th meeting of PSAM (Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management). It is an international conference on risk assessment and management, held in Sendai, Japan, from October 7 to 11, 2024. PSAM is a well-known conference for discussing nuclear risk with a 30-year history, and Japan has contributed as a board member of the PSAM, which held two conferences in Osaka in 2000 and in Tokyo in 2013 with great success. Mr. Zoltan Kovacs had a presentation about application of Dynamic PSA for VVER type reactors.
  • Mr. Pavol Hlavac as a lecturer attended Interregional Training Course on Design Safety and Safety Assessment for Nuclear Power Plants, including SMRs, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, October 7-11, 2024
  • Mr. Stefan Pavco attended the Regional Workshop on Nuclear Education Programmes for Faculty Lecturers under the project “Enhancing the Capacities of Educational Institutions for the Sustainable use of Nuclear Technologies”, Prague, Czech Republic, 30.9-4-10-2024.
  • Mr. Stefan Pavco attended the Workshop on Hybrid Approach using Non-deterministic Holistic and Probabilistic Methods for Asset Management Strategies for NPPs, OECD, Paris, March 25-28, 2024
  • Mr. Robert Spenlinger attended the Technical Meeting on the Deployment of Artificial Intelligence Solutions for the Nuclear Power Industry: Considerations and Guidance (18-21 March 2024), Rockville, USA.
  • Mr. Zoltan Kovacs attended the Workshop on Dynamic PSA and its Role in Risk- informed Decision Making, organised by OECD - NEA and US NRC, 16-17 November, 2023, Rockville, USA. He presented the presentation: Dynamic reliability and safety analyses for a passive safety system of VVER440 type reactor.
  • Mrs. Rita Berki Kovacova attended the Interregional Workshop on Safety Analysis for Small Modular Reactors (16. 10. 2023 - 20. 10. 2023 Ottawa, Canada) organised by IAEA.
  • Mr. Robert Spenlinger attended Technical meeting on PSA of Nuclear Installation in Relation to External Events and their Combinations, Vienna, 6-10 November 2023.
  • Mr. Pavol Hlavac attended Interregional Workshop on Safety, Security and Safeguards by Design in Small Modular Reactors, 11 - 15 September 2023, INL Idaho Falls, USA.
  • Mr. Stefan Pavco attended ITC on Design and Implementation of Decommissioning and Environmental Remediation',21. 8. 2023-1. 9. 2023, Richland, WA, USA.
  • Mr. Zoltan Kovacs attended the PSA 2023 conference (July 15–20, 2023, Knoxville, TN, USA). Since 1978, the ANS biennial topical conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment has been a worldwide forum for communication of major probabilistic risk and safety topics, including issues, methods, applications, insights, policy, research, and risk-informed regulation experience. PSA 2023 has interest to those working in traditional applications such as nuclear reactor facilities, nonreactor installations, processing, decontamination & decommissioning, storage as well as other nontraditional areas where probabilistic safety approaches are applied. The paper "Grouping and Initial Evaluation of Case Studies for Integrated Safety Assessment in the European BESEP Project" was presented in collaboration with NUBIKI (Hungary).
  • Mr. Robert Spenlinger attended Regional Workshop on Applications of Level 2 and Level 3 of Probabilistic Safety Assessments (PSAs), 10-14.July 2023, Yerevan, Armenia.
  • Mr. Pavol Hlavac as a lecturer attended Workshop on Internal Hazards Level-1 PSA (Fire and Flood), 29 May – 02 June 2023, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  • The 24th annual meeting of the Working Group on Risk Assessment (WGRISK) took place on 7-10th March 2023 in the Nuclear Energy Agency Headquarters of OECD in Paris. Mr Zoltan Kovacs attended the meeting on behalf of Slovak Republic. In his presentation he informed about the use and development of PSA in our country. In addition, he is working in the Organizing Committee of the International Workshop of the OECD NEA on Safety Assessment of Nuclear Installations for Combinations of External Hazards (September 11-13, 2023). The workshop will be hosted by IRSN in Fontenay-aux-Roses, France.
  • Mr. Pavol Hlavac as a lecturer attended National training course on Level 1 Probabilistic Safety Assessment, 19-23 February 2023, Cairo, Egypt.
  • Mr. Stefan Pavco attended IAEA Regional Workshop on Integrated Risk Informed Decision Making (EVT2201648), Prague, Czech Republic, 12-16 September 2022.
  • Mr. Pavol Hlavac as a lecturer attended Regional Workshop on Application of Level 1 Probabilistic Safety Assessment, Bangkok, Thailand, 5 – 9 September 2022.
  • Mrs. Rita Berki Kovacova attended ESREL2022- European Safety and Reliability Conference 2022, Dublin, Ireland, 28 August - 1 September 2022.
  • Mr. Robert Spenlinger attended 2022 Japan-IAEA Nuclear Energy Management School, 19 July 2022 to 5 August 2022, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Mr. Zoltan Kovacs attended the PSAM 16 conference. He presented a paper about Seismic PSA and worked as session chair in three sessions. He was also member of the conference technical committee. The Probabilistic Safety Assessment & Management conference is the conference in risk, risk management, reliability, safety, and associated topics. This world-wide group meets internationally every two years. The PSAM 16 conference (June 26 to Friday July 1 2022) was organised in person in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
  • Mr. Vladimir Sopira attended the International Symposium on PSA for Reactors of Singular Designs,Liverpool, United Kingdom, June 7-9, 2022.
  • Mr. P. Hlavac and Mr. Z. Kovacs attended the 23rd Meeting of the working group on risk assessment (online conference 1-4 March, 2022, Paris), organized by NEA-OECD.
  • Mr. Zoltan Kovacs attended the PSA2021 - Virtual Topical Meeting on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Analysis, 7-12.11.2021, Columbus, OH, USA. His participation was supported by IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna.
  • Mr. Pavol Hlavac as a lecturer attended Virtual Workshop on Seismic PSA for Pakistan, 8-11 November 2021. His participation was supported by IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna.
  • RELKO Ltd., Račianska 75, P.O.Box 95, 830 08 Bratislava